40002 Shows or hides the toolbar 40003 Shows or hides the status bar 40004 Saves the document with a new name 40008 Deletes the selected items 40010 Reverses which items are selected and which are not 40011 Quits the application; prompts to save documents 40012 Saves all the open documents 40013 Closes the window 40014 Closes all open windows 40020 Displays items by using large icons 40021 Displays items by using small icons 40024 Sorts items alphabetically by name 40025 Sorts items by type 40026 Sorts items by size, from smallest to largest 40027 Displays program information, version number and copyright 40028 Activates the next window 40029 Activates the previous window 40030 Arranges the window icons 40031 Goes up one level 40032 Creates a new, empty directory 40033 Imports a file to the active document 40034 Exports the selected items 40035 Refresh item information 40036 Imports a directory to the active document 40037 Sends the active window to the back of all displayed windows 40108 Delete (Del) 40120 Large Icons 40121 Small Icons 40124 Sort By Name 40125 Sort By Type 40126 Sort By Size 40131 Up 40132 New Directory 57600 Creates a new document 57601 Opens an existing document 57602 Closes the document 57603 Saves the document 57634 Copies the selected items to the Clipboard 57635 Removes the selected items and move them onto the Clipboard 57637 Inserts the items you have copied or cut into the selected location 57642 Selects all items in the current directory 57650 Arranges the windows as overlapping tiles 57651 Arranges the windows as horizontal, nonoverlapping tiles 57652 Arranges the windows as vertical, nonoverlapping tiles 57700 New (Ctrl+N) 57701 Open (Ctrl+O) 57703 Save (Ctrl+S) 57734 Copy (Ctrl+C) 57735 Cut (Ctrl+X) 57737 Paste (Ctrl+V) 59394 Supported Formats|*.pak;*pk3;*.vol;*.zip|Pak Files (*.pak)|*.pak|Pk3 Files (*.pk3)|*.pk3|Vol Files (*.vol)|*.vol|Zip Files (*.zip)|*.zip|All Files (*.*)|*.*| 59395 Opens this document 59396 \/:*?"<>| 59398 A filename cannot contain any of the following characters:\n 59399 All Files (*.*)|*.*| 59400 Daikatana Pak (*.pak)|*.pak|Quake Pak (*.pak)|*.pak|Quake 3 Pak (*.pk3)|*.pk3|Starsiege Vol (*.vol)|*.vol|Zip File (*.zip)|*.zip| 59410 Displays items in a list 59411 Displays information about each item in the window 59510 List 59511 Details